1). Only for-profit entities that are involved in manufacturing a product are eligible for this program. The
business concern must be located within the Oil Region Enterprise Zone area. This area is basically the central industrial core of the County, but you should check with the contact listed below for assurance.
2). This loan program is typically designed for projects in need of gap financing. Funds availability
fluctuates with each loan repayment or loan made.
3). OREZ loan funds can only finance up to 50% of the total project financing needed.
4). Loan proceeds can be used for building projects, machinery and equipment purchases, and working capital. Loan terms and interest rates will vary according to the project type and project particulars.
5). Business plans are required for new start-ups and 3 years of financials are required for existing
businesses at the very least. Other financial information may be required.
6). Borrower must create or retain 1 job within 3 years for every $35,000 borrowed.
7). Borrower understands that if the business relocates out of the zone before the loan is paid off, the loan balance will become payable within 60 days.
8). Borrower understands that a 1% loan application fee (minimum of $400 and maximum of $2,500) will be required at the time of loan application. In the event the application is denied or should the loan applicant withdraw the loan request, the fee will be refunded EXCEPT for any costs incurred by the Enterprise Zone (i.e., credit reports, legal fees, etc.)
9). Loan applications are accepted anytime and should be sent to:
Oil Region Enterprise Zone
Franklin City Hall
430 Thirteenth Street, Franklin, PA 16323