
The Finance Department manages and documents the movement of all City funds and investments. 
Responsibilities include:

  • Manage City funds and investments.
  • Process utility bills and payments.
  • Process accounts receivable and payable.
  • Provide financial information to the City Manager and City Council.
  • Manage General Authority funds and investments.


Utility Billing Classifications: 

  • Residential
    Monthly billing includes water, sewer and garbage/recycling. The flat rate is $47.00 for water, $55.00 for sewer and $32.00 for garbage and recycling. Bills are mailed out the last business day of the month for that month’s service; always payable by the 20th of each month. If the 20th falls on a weekend, payments are accepted on the following Monday without penalty. Residential for Rocky Grove is a monthly bill for water only. It is a flat rate at the current charge of $47.00.
  • Commercial
    The water meters are read quarterly and billed according to the amount of water used. Sewage is based on water usage. The current base rate, with usage up to 22,000 gallons for water & sewer, is $321.80. The flat commercial rate with no meters is $49.76.
  • Landlords (Commercial)
    Our policy for rental properties is that all utility bills must be sent to the property owner. If the tenant is purchasing the property by Article of Agreement, a notarized copy must be filed with the Finance Department, allowing the purchaser to receive the utility bill.

If purchasing a home or a business, an application form for services must be completed in the Finance office. There is no charge or deposit fee required to complete the application.


Real Estate Taxes:

City of Franklin's 2024 real estate tax rate is 11.50 mills. Payments are to be mail to: 

                                                                                           City of Franklin

                                                                                           P.O. Box 1348

                                                                                           Hermitage, PA  16148

Payments are not accepted at City Hall. You may request a copy of your bill or a copy of a paid receipt at City Hall at a charge of $4 coping fee.

To receive a 2% discount, taxes must be paid by April 30. Payments at face amount are accepted until June 30 and a 10% penalty is assessed from July 1 to December 31. Unpaid taxes as of January 1st of the next year are turned over to Tax Claim at Venango County and delinquent payments have to paid to Venango County.

For information concerning Homestead Exclusion or assessment of your property, please call the Assessment Office at Venango County, 814-432-9520.