General Authority of the City of Franklin



To own and operate Franklin's public water and waste water systems, which include the 9th Street Water Treatment Plant, the Barrett Flats Water Treatment Plant, the Water Network, the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Network.  The Franklin General Authority provides long-range planning for its capital projects and works closely with City of Franklin staff to manage and maintain the systems.

Second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. in Franklin City Council Chambers.  Workshops are usually held the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM.


Authority Board:

  • Timothy Dunkle, Chairman
  • Caleb Williams, Vice Chairman
  • Peter O'Polka, Treasurer
  • John Eckel, Secretary
  • Chad Ellis, Vice Secretary
  • Jody Freni, Member
  • Fred Leyda, Member


  • Brian Spaid, Esq.


In the event of an after-hours water/sewer emergency, call 814-432-9918