Zoning Hearing October 3, 2024

The Franklin Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday October 3, 2024, at 11:00 A.M.in Room 204 of Franklin Professional Building, 150 Prospect Avenue, Franklin, Pennsylvania, to hear a request for a “Special Exception Permit” in accordance with the standards and criteria of the City of Franklin Zoning Ordinance.

Trails to Ales Realty of Franklin, PA, have filed an application for a Zoning Hearing with the City of Franklin.  If a “Special Exception Use” is granted the applicants would be permitted to use the property located at, 1262 Liberty Street, Franklin, PA. Map No. 10215158 as “Bed and Breakfast” as defined by the Franklin Zoning Ordinance. This parcel is in a (CBD) Central Business District.

Full copies of the request may be examined at Franklin City Hall, weekdays, between 8 AM and 4:00 PM.  All interested persons may attend.