City Assessor
- Responsibilities - 133.01
City Clerk
- Responsibilities - 127.01
City Engineer
- Functions - 131.01
- Maps of Pipes - 131.04
- Numbering Houses - 131.0
- Penalties - 131.99
- Real Estate Registry - 131.02
City Manager
- Complaints 113.08
- Directing Departments 113.07
- Emergencies 113.05
- Investigations 113.06
- Negotiations 113.09
- Other Jobs 113.03
- Powers and Duties113.01
- Responsible to Council 113.02
- Rules 113.04
City Solicitor
- Appointment - 129.01
- Assistant Solicitor - 129.07
- Bonds - 129.06
- Duties - City - 129.03
- Duties - Council - 129.02
- Other Duties - 129.04
- Records - 129.04
- Water Liens - 129.05
Code Enforcement Officer
See Building Code
Code of Ordinances (Codification)
- Alterations -101.07
- Amendments - 101.05
- Definitions - 101.03
- Headings - 101.04
- Numbering - 101.05
- Penalty - 101.99
- Purpose - 101.02
- Repeal - 101.06
- Separability - 101.08
- Supplements - 101.05
- Title - 101.01
Commission to Remember Our Heroes
- Annual Meeting - 177.06
- Commission - 177.01
- Meetings - 177.04
- Members of the Commission - 177.03
- Powers and Duties of the Commission - 177.02
- Secretary - 177.05
Community Development, Department of
- Director of - 124.02
- Functions of Department - 124.01
Community Service, Department of
- Code Enforcement - 123.12
- Director of - 123.02
- Emergency Powers - 123.11
- Functions - 123.01
- Gutters, Sewers, Water - 123.05
- Health Controls - 123.10
- Inspections - 123.10
- Other Duties - 123.09
- Parks and Recreation - 123.13
- Physical Properties - 123.03
- Sidewalks - 123.04
- Signs - 123.07
- Solid Waste - 123.08
- Streets - 123.04
- Trees - 123.06
Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund
- Board of Trustees - 148.01
- Compensation - 148.04
- Interpretation - 148.07
- Membership - 148.02
- Powers and Duties - 148.06
- Quorum and the Transaction of Business - 148.05
- Terms and Filling of Vacancies - 148.03
Council Appointments
Curb Market
- Administration - 909.06
- Changes - 909.07
- Fee - 909.04
- Hours - 909.01
- Location - 909.01
- Market Year - 909.02
- Merchandise Origin - 909.05
- Penalties - 909.99
- Permits Repealed - 909.07
- Permits Required - 909.04
- Rules and Regulations - 909.06
- Size - 909.03
- Churches - 705.06
- Clubs - 705.06
- Custodians - 705.05
- Definitions - 705.02
- Enforcement - 705.99
- Establishments - 705.04
- Expiration - 705.08
- Guardian - 705.05
- Minors - 705.03
- Parents - 705.05
- Penalties - 705.99
- Schools - 705.06
- Severability - 705.07
- Title - 705.01