Parking Authority Explanatory Note - 159 Commission Established - 160.01 Composition of Commission - 160.02 Duties of Commission - 160.03 Report of Commission - 160.04 Ordinance 159 Ordinance 160
Parades & Public Assembly Appeal Procedure - 911.11 Application - 911.05 Contents of Permit - 911.13 Definitions - 911.02 Duties of Permittee - 911.14 Exceptions - 911.04 Fees - 911.06 Non-Discrimination - 911.09 Notice to City and Other Officials - 911.12 Notice of Denial of Application - 911.10 Penalties - 911.18 Permit Required - 911.03 Police Protection - 911.07 Prohibitions - 911.15 Public Conduct - 911.16 Revocation of Permit - 911.17 Severability - 911.19 Short Title - 911.01 Standards for Issuance - 911.08 Ordinance 911
Parking Meters Areas - 511.01 Beyond Time - 511.09 Damage - 511.08 Extensions - 511.05 Handicapped/Fire Lanes - 511.13 Lot Beside City Hall - 511.12 Parking Lot E - 511.14 Penalties - 511.99 Police - 511.03 Prohibited Areas - 511.10 Rates - 511.04 Slugs - 511.07 Temporary - 511.11 Times - 511.01 Within Space - 511.06 Zones - 511.02 Ordinance 511
Parks Definition - 931.01 Penalty - 931.99 Police Action - 931.99 Rules and Regulations - 931.02 Posting of - 931.03 Ordinance 931
Parks & Recreation Commission Commission Created 173.01 Meetings: Annual 173.07 Organizational 173.06 Regular 173.09 Special 173.08 Membership 173.03 Attendance 173.05 Vacancies 173.04 Purpose 173.02 Ordinance 173
Peddlers Appeal - 305.15 Badges - 305.08 Definitions - 305.02 Enforcement - 305.12 Hours - 305.10 Investigation - 305.04 License - 305.01 Application - 305.03 Disapproval - 305.05 Expiration - 305.16 Fees - 305.07 Issuance - 305.06 Revocation - 305.13 Suspension - 305.14 Location - 305.11 Noise - 305.09 Penalty - 305.99 Police - 305.12 Speaking Devices - 305.09 (also see Transient Merchants) Ordinance 305
Penalties Airport Hazards - 1310.17 Alarm System - 1503.99 Alcoholic Beverages - 703.99 Basketball Poles - 908.99 Bicycles - 517.99 Building Code - 1701.05 Curb Market - 909.99 Curfew - 705.99 Dogs - 715.99 Earned Income Tax - 313.99 Excavations - 901.99 Fire Insurance Escrow - 322.04 & 1706.04 Fire Prevention - 1501.04 Garbage Charges - 925.05 Garbage License - 927.99 Garbage Service - 923.99 General - 101.99 Graveyard - 731.99 Historic District - 1735.99 Housing Code - 1101.03 Human Relations - 169.99 Industrial Wastes - 915.99 Interference with Officer - 701.99 Livestock - 719.99 Maps of Pipes (City Engineer) - 131.99 Mechanical Code - 1713.03 Mercantile License - 301.99 Numbering Houses (City Engineer) - 131.99 Occupational Privilege Tax - 317.13 & 317.99 Parades and Public Assembly - 911.19 Parking Meters - 511.99 Parks - 931.99 Peddlers - 305.99 Per Capita Tax - 315.99 Personnel Code - 141.99 Plumbing Code - 1709.03 Plumbing License - 1711.99 Pornography - 711.99 Property Maintenance - 1101.03 Real Estate Tax - 320.99 Realty Transfer Tax - 311.99 Sewer Regulations 914.99 Sewers - General 913.99 Sewers - Rental 917.99 Signs - 906.99 (Repealed) Skateboards - 518.05 & 518.06 Snow and Ice - 727.99 Subdivision Code - 1341.07 (2) Tampering with Vehicles (Traffic Code) - 521.99 Tapping Fire Hydrants - 1505.99 Traffic Code - 501.99 Transient Merchants - 303.99 Trees - 167.10 Trucks (Traffic Code)- 523.99 Utility Poles - 905.99 Zoning - 1305.04
Per Capita Tax Appeals - 315.08 Authority - 315.09 City Clerk - 315.04 Definitions - 315.01 Finance Director - 315.03 Interest and Penalty - 315.05 Levy - 315.02 Penalties - 315.99 Protest - 315.07 Unpaid Taxes - 315.06 Ordinance 315
Personnel Code 141.01 Title 141.02 Purpose of Code 141.03 Responsibilities of Manager Under Code 141.04 Council as Personnel Board 141.05 Employee Organizations 141.06 Political Activity of Employees 141.07 Prohibited Practices 141.99 Penalties ART141.pdf
Planning & Zoning Commission Annual Report - 165.04 Comprehensive Plan - 165.05 Created - 165.01 Members - 165.02 Powers - 165.03 Subdivisions - 165.06 Ordinance 165
Plumbing Code Adoption of BOCA Basic Plumbing Code - 1709.02 Amendments to BOCA - 1709.03 Citation - 1709.01 Definitions - 1709.02.01 Ordinance 1709
Plumbing Licenses Applications for Examinations - 1711.03 Board of Examiners - 1711.05 Definitions - 1711.01 Examinations - 1711.06 Examinations and Licenses Required - 1711.02 Fees for Examinations - 1711.04 Licenses Issued--Fees for Licenses - 1711.07 Penalty - 1711.99 Re-Examination - 1711.09 Re-Registration - 1711.08 Revocation of Licenses - 1711.10 Ordinance 1711
Police Department Powers for Arrest - 118.02 Responsibilities of Chief or Director of Department - 118.01 Ordinance 118
Police Employees Pension Plan Amendment, Termination and Return of Employer Contributions - 147.11 Applicable Provisions of the Internal Revenue Code - 147.12 Benefits - 147.04 Contributions - 147.03 Death Benefits - 147.07 Definitions - 147.01 Effective Date - 147.005 Eligibility - 147.02 Miscellaneous - 147.13 The Pension Fund - 147.10 Police Pension Fund Association - 147.09 Retirement Benefits - 147.06 Retirement Eligibility - 147.05 Termination of Service Before Retirement/Direct Rollover of Distributions - 147.08 Ordinance 147
Police Rights, Powers, Duties & Responsibilities Collective Bargaining - 149.05 Definitions - 149.02 Duties - 149.07 Exceptions - 149.04 Hours - 149.06 Powers Off-Duty - 149.03 Purpose - 149.01 Responsibilities - 149.07 Wages - 149.06 Ordinance 149
Property Maintenance Code Adoption of Intl. Prop. Maintenance Code, 2009 Edition - 1101.02 Amendments to Intl. Prop. Maintenance Code, 2018 Edition - 1101.03 Definitions - 1101.02.01 Title - 1101.01 (also see Rent Withholding) Ordinance 1101
Public Safety, Alarm System Definitions 1503.02 False Alarms, Penalties, Disconnection 1503.99 Notification 1503.03 Severability 1503.04 Title 1503.01 Ordinance 1503