Wastewater Department

In the event of an after-hours water/sewer emergency, call 814-432-9918


Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Wastewater Treatment Plant treats wastewater from the City of Franklin and surrounding communities.  The Department provides ongoing employee training and education, emphasizing employee safety, public health, and the environment.
Responsibilities include:
  • Treat wastewater through the facility's 6 MGD (million gallon per day) “secondary-treatment” process, which is capable of treating an additional 6 MGD of storm water.
  • Perform laboratory analysis to assure public health and regulatory compliance.
  • Accept septage wastes transported by approved haulers.

Wastewater Network

The Wastewater Network maintains the sanitary sewer conveyance system. The system consists of both sanitary and storm water flows and a sewage lift station on Oak Hill, including at least 27 miles of sewer lines, approximately 350 manholes and 700 catch basins. The lift station conveys sewage under pressure to a gravity sewer system.

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintain, clean, and inspect sanitary lines, storm lines, and catch basins using three pieces of equipment:
    • A sewer jet vacuum combination that removes debris from sanitary lines, storm lines, and catch basins.
    • A trailer-mounted power rodder that cleans storm and sanitary lines inaccessible to the sewer jet.
    • A video camera system that performs internal visual inspections of the system.
  • Operate and maintain the lift station